Jl. Raya Kedep No. 20, Tlajung Udik, Kec. Gunung Putri, Kab.Bogor Indonesia

Get to know the 7 uses of charcoal briquettes

Charcoal briquettes are a form of renewable energy that is starting to be developed as a substitute for conventional fuel If it is optimal enough to support the flame. The development of charcoal briquettes in Indonesia began several years ago. The use of Charcoal Briquettes is as one of the energy research programs carried out by the Bogor Agricultural Institute.

Charcoal Briquettes can also be used as a substitute for petroleum energy. Apart from that, the sustainable use of charcoal briquettes is also able to reduce indirect agricultural waste and forestry waste. PU increases the income of the agricultural and forestry industries. If you want to find out more then check out our review below.

What are the uses of charcoal briquettes?
As an agricultural country, Indonesia has many natural resources in the form of agricultural products and plantation products . One of them is coconut. You can even use all parts of this tree with a million benefits.

It’s not just the flesh that is thrown away, the water, leaves, stems and roots can be used. But so does coconut. These coconut shells can be made into briquettes. This coconut shell charcoal briquette is one of the innovative and creative products that can utilize leftover materials for something effective. іf.

Several Uses of Charcoal Briquettes
Uses of Charcoal Briquettes This fuel is used as fuel for the combustion process. The use of charcoal briquettes is classified as an alternative resource. Generally, these briquettes are used by industry, home businesses, restaurants, even households and others. For more details, below are some of the uses of briquettes that you need to know.

Alternative Energy
Briquettes contain ecological (environmentally friendly) materials, because they are made from natural materials which are suitable for alternative energy.

Renewable Energy
Furthermore, briquettes function as renewable energy. The advantage of this fuel exists because the briquettes are made from natural biomass resources, namely. biological material that comes from living organisms. Examples of biomass sources are wood fuel, coconuts and other waste.

These briquettes are designed to be non-toxic and are also made using a natural process where cassava flour is added as an adhesive for the briquette paste. Therefore, coconut shell charcoal briquettes are a safe and non-toxic material.

Does not produce results.
that is the advantage of briquettes as an alternative energy source that is very environmentally friendly as explained previously.</p >

Has maximum heat
The maximum heat of briquettes is very high, up to 7000 cal. In this way, briquettes have an advantage in the cooking process and are cooked faster and more thoroughly.

Reducing Marketing
Furthermore, briquettes can reduce pollution, fossils can cause pollution in the environment when they are no longer used. The function of briquettes derived from fuel is that they can reduce pollution caused by fossil fuels.

Doesn’t run out quickly
If anyone thinks that biomass materials are more economical than fuel materials, then this is not entirely true. This is because the briquette material which comes from biomass is easily used up, so it needs to be replaced frequently. Even though fuel briquettes burn easily, this material does not run out quickly, so it will not cause waste.

In general, people are accustomed to using briquettes made from rice husks, charcoal, coconut fiber, corn cobs and so on. However, it cannot be denied that the role of petroleum remains the most superior for making briquettes. Briquettes are made after a series of compaction and pressing processes.

This is to increase the calorific value per unit area of ​​a material. Therefore, it is hoped that alternative energy can produce better quality.

Important Things You Need to Know

The use of charcoal briquettes provides greater benefits than the use of several other earth energies. The advantage of Charcoal Briquettes is that it is cheaper to obtain charcoal briquettes than oil or charcoal, the fuel mass of charcoal briquettes lasts longer, the usage is longer It is safer, easier to store and move and fanning or adding briquettes does not need to be repeated.

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