Jl. Raya Kedep No. 20, Tlajung Udik, Kec. Gunung Putri, Kab.Bogor Indonesia

12 Reasons Why Briquettes Can Be Used as Alternative Energy

Briquettes can be used as an alternative fuel, apart from fossil-based energy sources. The use of briquettes can maintain fossil fuel reserves which are getting smaller over time.
The impact of increasingly massive use of fossil fuels also has a negative impact on environmental balance. Including worsening air quality which results in poor public health.

Briquette energy sources may not be foreign, but there’s no harm in getting to know this environmentally friendly fuel again.



What are Briquettes?
Quoting from the Knoji website, briquettes are a substitute energy source in the form of flammable brick blocks. The ingredients that make up the briquettes are chopped first and then compacted.

Various materials for making briquettes consist of organic materials such as charcoal, husks, sawdust, peat, peanuts and dried plants. After being cut finely, the ingredients are glued together with starch or other environmentally friendly materials.

Because of these components, briquettes are considered more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. The use of briquettes does not leave any compounds that disturb environmental balance.

12 Benefits of Briquettes as Alternative Energy
Quoted from the Knoji and ForestNews pages, here are 12 benefits and uses of briquettes that you need to know:

1. Briquette waste recycling
is the right energy source if you want to implement a circular bioeconomy strategy. The reason is, briquettes made from biomass can reduce waste and help the environment’s carrying capacity.

2. Briquette Production is Profitable.
The need for machines to process briquettes does require quite a bit of money. However, if it is stable, this business can generate abundant profits.

3. Longer burning process.
Making briquettes requires a longer burning process. This is because the compaction process allows the briquettes to last longer as an alternative energy source.

4. Briquettes are denser and more durable.
Briquettes are composed of organic materials with a weight of 60 to 180 kg/m3. With a dense structure, briquettes take longer to burn than wood or other organic fuels.

5. More efficient
Apart from having a dense consistency, briquettes also contain a higher amount of heat. So, it can produce relatively stronger heat than other fuels

Even though the temperature is high, the ash content in briquettes is much lower than coal. Even compared to firewood, briquette energy has been proven to be 40% more efficient and longer lasting.

6. The ingredients are easy to get.
Most briquette production relies on organic materials or biomass. Of course, this material can be easily obtained in our surrounding environment.

7. The price is affordable.
Briquettes can be produced domestically using plant or animal waste, the production costs of which are relatively affordable. Cheap production costs also have an impact on reducing selling prices.

8. Renewable
In contrast to fossil fuels which will run out, briquettes are renewable fuels. This organic material will continue to be available for a long time.

9. Easy to Store
Briquettes usually come in cubic, round, rectangular or cylindrical blocks. This shape and size makes the briquettes easy to store by stacking them.

10. Minimal smoke.
One of the unique things about briquettes is that this energy source has minimal smoke and carbon deposits. In fact, using briquettes only produces a small amount of ash without any toxic chemicals.

11. Easy to Produce
Making briquettes only requires a few components such as combustible materials, binders, and briquette forming molds. So, briquettes are easy to produce for household needs and other mass needs.

12. Easy to Distribute
Briquettes made from biomass have a dense structure but are very light. Therefore, briquettes are easy to distribute over long or short distances.

That’s a discussion about the benefits of briquettes as an environmentally friendly alternative energy. By using alternative energy such as briquettes, we can contribute to keeping the earth sustainable.
